・iPod cannot be charged during connection. ・Please use the cable in the iPod housing base.

・ Be sure to update the KENWOOD unit to the latest firmware. When browsing item or title is changed, the first track selected will be automatically recongnized as track number 1,disc number1 in the Playlist,and correct title number and name will be displayed. ・After connecting your iPod to the KCA-iP500, the first track played will be the track you played last with your iPod,and "RESUMING"will be displayed while playback, since the title number and title name can not be displayed correctly.
(Please see the manual of the control unit about the DNPS (Disc Name PreSet) function.) ・DNPS function of the control unit cannot be operated with KCA-iP500. Please see the manual of the control unit. ・Depending on the connected control unit, source name may be displayed "EXT-MEDIA", "*-MEDIA" or CD Changer ("CD-CH"etc.). ・Data information is dependant on the Head Unit display capability.

If the software is not updated,connection problem with KCA-iP500 may happen, and the Control unit may not properly playback music files from your iPod. ・Before connecting KCA-iP500 to KENWOOD control unit, please make sure your iPod's software is updated to the latest version which are possible to download from APPLE OFFICIAL WEBSITE.